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united nations charity

─ 地球公民 國際參與 ─


  • 服務國家:非洲盧安達(Rwanda)、蒲隆地(Burundi)、坦桑尼亞(Tanzania)、肯尼亞(Kenya) 、加納(Ghanaian) 、和烏干達(Uganda)等貧民窟。

  • 服務組織:聯合國開發署(UNDP)、聯合國志願部(UNV)、非洲各國非營利組織。

  • 服務領域:基層教育、健康衛生、農村發展、青創微貸、婦女賦權等可持續項目。

  • 服務項目:創新策略、專案管理、社群傳播、行動方案、社會創新、數據分析、資源整合、調查報告、多語編譯、培力育成、成效評估等發展。

這星球並不需要更多所謂的「成功」人士,但迫切需要各種能帶來和平的人、能夠療復的人,以及,懂愛的人。The planet does not need more successful people. The planet desperately needs more peacemakers,healers, and lovers of all kinds.─Dalai Lama




The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are a collection of 17 global goals set by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015 for the year 2030. The SDGs are part of Resolution 70/1 of the United Nations General Assembly, the 2030 Agenda.

  • The Sustainable Development Goals are:

  1. No Poverty

  2. Zero Hunger

  3. Good Health and Well-being

  4. Quality Education

  5. Gender Equality

  6. Clean Water and Sanitation

  7. Affordable and Clean Energy

  8. Decent Work and Economic Growth

  9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

  10. Reducing Inequality

  11. Sustainable Cities and Communities

  12. Responsible Consumption and Production

  13. Climate Action

  14. Life Below Water

  15. Life On Land

  16. Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

  17. Partnerships for the Goals.


我們參與當地組織ASASS 志願服務,為無家可歸的兒童(因內戰、愛滋病、棄養)提供孤兒院、庇護所、醫療保險、教育及法律援助,他們是弱勢中的弱勢,同時提供社區學校(CS),幼兒教育培訓計畫,建立教室、以提升掃盲率,讓醫療與教育成就未來的希望。
A project Orphanage Center on Child Care, Education and Development source and care for the homeless and impoverished orphan' s children in Burundi (many due to war, AIDS, rejection), who are in need of care--shelter, legal aid, medical insurance, and education. When children lose their parents to war and or illness like AIDS, a relative generally takes in the child and cares for them. When no relative is able to care for a child, they are forced to live on the street and for that child, all hope is lost. Life is hard enough for a child in Burundi, but with no one to care for them; they are the poorest of the poor. Poverty in childhood is a root cause of miseries with different effects in adulthood. An Orphanage Center is important to those groups.
Community Schools (CS) projects are a training program for teachers and education of children from an early age. We build classrooms and learn more about ASASS' kindergarten schools. The plan is to add new classrooms each year until we reach to university levels. Our program reaches to over 200 orphans and disadvantaged children, particularly minorities, retuming refugees, orphans and young girls supported in 3 schools while the education long-term goal is to support more than 1,000,000 disadvantaged children per year to go to school by buying them school materials offering them with good classrooms, higher qualified teachers and quality learning materials and resources with great system of School management.



蒲隆地是全世界第三最窮國家,歷經十二年的血腥內戰,這受長期幾荒、食物短缺、疾病蔓延之苦,有73.4%居民瞥養不良,46%兒童更欠缺維生素A、失明比例居高不下,我們參與當地組織ASASS)志願服務,以「Lifes for Life」計畫向診所、學校、孤兒院、教堂等據點提供營養補充劑、並建立社區醫療服務中心(KCHC),幫助免疫接種(EPI)、改善孕產婦和兒童保健(MCH),及篩查糖尿病、愛滋病、子宮頸癌等治療,致力改善居民健康及壽命。
73.4% of Burundi's population is undernourished and 46% of all children are deficient in Vitamin A and become blind every year, half of them dying within 12 months of losing their sight.
These problems have been caused by a combination of poor education, lack of resources and lack of food security. Foods for Life aims to prevent this.
It aims to stop a growing number of Burundians from becoming diabetics and malnourished by providing them with education, treatment and supplying nourishment at ASASS health clinics, schools and in villages centres such as orphanages and churches.
We have partnered with a provider of food supplements (E'Pap), which will help to address malnourishment deficiencies. These supplements can be delivered to schools, health and community centres. In these centres, we can provide education on not only how to prevent diabetes and vitamin A deficiency, but also on how to cope with it.




University Foundation (UF) is very important for the generations and the nations.The poor level of education of people in Burundi and the low attendance to the tertiary education levels are two main routes of poverty, the conflicts, and human right violence. Insufficiency of higher education infrastructures makes children walk for a long distance,which makes them drop out school. Also, higher education is not affordable to the most vulnerable children - minorities, indigent or orphans, and refugees - lead to total exclusion. University Foundation is a solution; it seeks to reduce the distance to schools, to develop student loans and scholarships to prevent students from dropping out. It aims to improve access to quality education at all levels and produce qualified human resources to work not only in ASASS programmes but also serve the countries. Through scholarships, student loans.



The Kenya Association for Maternal & Neonatal Health- KAMANEH is a local founded and not for proft Non--Governmental Organization (NGO) registered on 25th September, 1997 under the NGOs Coordination Act. KAMANEH' s mandate is to identifly, address, and prevent complications that arise during pregnancy, labor, delivery, and postpartum periods,and thus ultimately decreasing maternal, infant and child mortality rates in Kenya. Our Vision: Communities where pregnant women, mothers, newborns, children, and ado--lescents have to survive, thrive and realize their greatest potential, and access to quality andaffordable health care services, including preventive health and information.
Our Mission: To save and improve the lives of pregnant women, mothers, babies, children and adolescents in urban slums and remote communities in Kenya.



迦納是非洲歷史相當悠久的國家,立國於一千多年前,位於上西部的Sissaa更擁有豐富的歷史文化,由五個不同的部落組成,分類為Kanssena-Isala語言群:Sissala與密切聯盟的Tampolense和Vagala, Awuna或Fera以及Kasena. 珍貴的非物質文化遺產,卻因現代化發展而逐漸被遺忘,我們參與2009年成立的Sissala Heritage Foundation (SHF)志願服務,盼促進文化產業、凝聚社區共識、提升技能開發及建設和平之工作。

Sissala Heritage Foundation (SHF) is a Ghanaian NGO based in Tumu. Established in February 2009, the Sissala Heritage Foundation is the focal point and coordinator within Ghana for all matters related to Sissala heritage and development. SHF seeks to encourage the mainstreaming of Sissala culture into development programmes and activities of the Sissala people.Research, conservation of cultural heritage, advocacy, campaign, cultural industries,livelihoods, skills development, cultural education, health promotion, peacebuilding and environmental conservation



非洲開發銀行2014年的報告,烏干達的青年失業率估高達83%,是非洲青年失業率最高的國家。消滅貧窮(eradicate poverty)更是國家發展首宗要件,如何脫貧成為關鍵挑戰,許多窮人需要的不只是資源,更需要善用資源的知識。
Village Loans and Saving Groups (VLSGs), is one of the top priority programs of ASASS in its operational communities to ensure a Sustainable Livelihoods through Micro Credits and Saving Services and Training cooperatives for their members, the VLS Cooperative will give the families living at the poor levels, a sustainable mean for earning income to better live dignified living conditions by providing micro-loans to start micro-business activities to generate income and also do agribusiness for addressing issues on foods insecurity, self--sustainability as we also address social, economic, and environmental, trees planting, nutrition intake, and ICT gaps in their communities. Through VLSGs program of ASASS empowers adults on the Credits Union value, through alphabetization and entrepreneurship skills needed for people who need the foundation for their life. We offer families who have children with ages to go to school, with the technical assistance in building small businesses.
Community Development Centre (CDC) in Buterere and in Murengeza districts of Burundi empowers families and their children. The trained groups run the center, promote income Ugand generation activities, a touristic site development initiative construction. They undertook the business of selling foods, rice, and other small activities. The young people and ladies lean skills in culinary arts and hotel monument skills in local centers. 90 guardian families in Murengeza (Mpanda Commune) and in Buterere (Bujumbura Province), were trained in caring for orphans. Each family adopts 3 children and they learn how to grow foods (rice, cabbage, fruits, and vegetables), and management of a restaurant venture.



阿塞拜疆地處大高加索山脈以南,有豐富的天然資源,在歷史上有過多次與亞美尼亞人間的種族清洗戰爭,並因蘇聯解體而導致政經勁亂,現代雖因石油開採重振國家經濟,然而在發展的背后,資源份配不均,使得許多年輕人對未來感到待徨。我們參與歐亞聯盟基金會(EPF)志願服務,推勁「夢想實驗室」(Dream Lab),促進弱勢群體的社會經濟機利,提供個別諾詢、社會網絡、培訓計盡、導師制度、講座活勁、資助計盡等方式,引領積極楚革,共同改變社會。

Baku Dream Lab is a program of Dream Lab LLC implemented in collaboration with the Eurasia Partnership Foundation, Azerbaljan and supported by the Government Offices of Sweden. The main goal of Baku Dream Lab is to create a better environment for youth-led initiatives that have a strong social impact component. The Lab does so by strengthening the capacity of existing initiatives and supporting the establishment of new ones, by stimulating networking among initiatives, and by promoting the work of youth initiatives among Bakur esidents. Members of youth--led civic initiatives that joined the Lab Network can access meeting and office space, participate in training programs, hold their events at the Lab, receive individual consultations, and apply for small scale seed funds.

In addition to supporting youth initiatives, Baku Dream Lab aspires to build a broader community of young, talented, and socially conscious Bakuvians who do not sit and wait for positive change to come  they lead the positive change themselves! The Lab functions as a combination of: community- a network of socially minded young people and their supporters, space- a collaborative office space and venue for events and meetings, and content- public and targeted programs, lectures, and events designed to support positive change in the city.




我們参與當地組織Public Health Aid, Awareness & Education Organization (Phaae)志願服務,在弱势社區的學校、流離失所的警地,提供水龍頭、廁所、清潔貯水等輔助設備,倡導潔手習慣、經期衛生、農村保健等安全策略,實現社區主導全面衛生(CLTS),以保障婦女在健康無疾病的條件中,進而降低不平等差距。

In Nigeria, 57 Million People do not have access to safe, clean water. Unsafe Water and lack of sanitation trap women and girls in a circle of ill health, poor education, poor career opportunities, overall poverty and even early death.Collecting water makes it difficult for girls to attend school and work, and this holds women back from achieving what they want from life. Poor sanitation makes adolescent girls and women' s lives fraught with dangers ranging from being attacked whilst using unsafe outdoor toilets to dying from childbirth--related infections caused by poor hygiene.Lack of water and basic sanitation facilties have made menstrual hygiene management difficult, thereby making adolescent girls in school ages stay away from school during their period.

PHAAE team are staunch campaigners for sustainable change and thereby recruits and trains health and hygiene promotion volunteers, also builds the skills and knowledge of local people through education and communication programmes, empower elementary school children on handwashing best practices and good hygiene behaviour, because believe Children are strong agents of change.In terms of the aids PHAAE gives, we deliver water taps and toilets to communities and schools in desperate need.

From being attacked whilst using unsafe outdoor toilets to dying from childbirth-related infections caused by poor hygiene.Lack of water and basic sanitation facilities have made menstrual hygiene management difficult, thereby making adolescent girls in school ages stay away from school during their period.

PHAAE team are staunch campaigners for sustainable change and thereby recruits and trains health and hygiene promotion volunteers, also builds the skills and knowledge of local people through education and communication programmes, empower elementary school children on handwashing best practices and good hygiene behaviour, because believe Children are strong agents of change.In terms of the aids PHAAE gives, we deliver water taps and tollets to communities and schools in desperate need.

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