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Thinking innovation, progress and change

Creating idea, improvement and transformation
The road of the innovation and leadership

見政客橫流  貪圖弄權   呼風喚雨
Politicians gather be greedy for power 
summon wind and call for rain
何尋政治家  誓為人民   遮風擋雨
How to seek the  statesmans vow to benefit people.  Keep out wind and rain

自私的人    最怕無私的人
The selfish people are most afraid of 
the selfless people.
貪婪的人    最怕無欲的人
The greedy people are most afraid of 
the unambiguous people.
恣妄者把錢權帶走      把民心留下
The unscrupulous ones take the benefits away,leave the hearts of people.

Over the next decade, Taiwan
Can not feed the fish in the sea, 
but sow the seedlings on the land.
合眾為一   成志一擊
One for All, All for One

Remember and never forget, 
the People and the Land.

2030國政民情 Action Plans




序 言

​"We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars." 我們都生活在陰溝裡,但仍有人正仰望星空。— Oscar Wilde

  • 「道德頹廢,人心澆漓,物慾旺盛,精神生活貧瘠,不知永久大計,只圖眼前小利,墮落怠惰,腐敗、怠慢、虛榮、寡廉鮮恥……。」蔣渭水1921年的叮嚀言猶在耳,每個時代,都是最好與最壞的年代。

  • 當今國家站在關鍵的十字路口,政府總負債高達二十兆元,每位國民背債上百萬元,資本持續外移而經濟泡沫化,新自由主義失衡所帶來的壓迫、貧窮與不公不義,面對全球化競爭、國際地位旁落、高失業率、薪資停滯、 年金財務危機、房價飆漲、城鄉差距、貧富懸殊、稅制不公、產業失衡、分配不均、物資高漲、環境破壞、農業失根、勞工權益、所得替代率過高、國教政策問題、新移民問題、族群分化、人口高齡化、少子女化、 學歷貶值、工作貧窮化、社會秩序瓦解……等重重嚴峻考驗。

  • 當社會漸多亂源,陷入反智理盲、知法玩法、民粹鄉愿。台灣下一個世代,該何去何從?債台高築,不可掉以輕心,重蹈冰島、希臘舉國破產覆轍,這更是未來國家領導人無法忽視的問題。

  • Every generation could be the best of times, also could be the worst of time, when the total debt of the government is up to 20 trillion NT dollars, and every citizen is in debt over one millions dollars, when it comes to issues like global competitiveness, high percentage of unemployment, gap between urban and rural areas, disparity between the poor and the rich, imbalance of industry development, increasing price on daily essential, rising elderly population, declining birth rate and low salary, facing all of these phenomena, what should we do in the next decade of Taiwan?

  • 我們有壯麗的高山大海,但過度開發環境惡化。我們有美食王國之稱,但食安問題層出不窮。我們有民主制度,但缺乏公民意識覺醒。我們有言論自由,但偏激仇恨帶來危機。我們有多元的族群,但階級歧視無所不在。速食主義當道,政客關心的是下一場選舉、媒體關心的是下一秒的收視率、有誰願關心十年、二十年後的台灣?這些惡果背後,有著無數貪婪私利的不擇手段、傷國害民,棄百姓不顧,而壟斷國家前途。

  • 出於淑世的熱切,對人民、土地與家園的關懷,甫自十六歲起,足跡遍訪台澎金馬蘭綠,至今長達十多年,行腳基層20萬多公里,一步一腳印,雖一己之力有限,卻是每位新生代的責任所在,透過民意調查、田野訪談及數據資料分析,研究台灣經貿發展、社會福利、農業政策、教育文化、多元族群等重大社會議題,建置《2030國政民情白皮書》,觀察政策制度、民生民情與時局變遷、掌握社會脈動,尋找台灣未來的關鍵字,盼影響當代思潮,成為下一輪世代的備忘錄。Every generation could be the best of times, also could be the worst of time, when the total debt of the government is up to 20 trillion NT dollars, and every citizen is in debt over one millions dollars, when it comes to issues like global competitiveness, high percentage of unemployment, gap between urban and rural areas, disparity between the poor and the rich, imbalance of industry development, increasing price on daily essential, rising elderly population, declining birth rate and low salary, facing all of these phenomena, what should we do in the next decade of Taiwan?


目 錄

  • 研究編號:H-16575EI〈影響總統施政民意因素在重大事件中之探討〉
    〈Comparisons of the factors influencing President’s Approval Rating among Major Events〉

  • 研究編號:D-23894SC〈從國家創新系統觀點比較美、中、日、台AI產業之研究〉

  • 研究編號:E-56483UI〈全球經濟戰略佈局─「一帶一路」中的台灣位置〉
    The global economy strategic layout - "The Belt and Road in Taiwan position

  • 研究編號:Y-64267SC〈川普經濟學─美國貿易新政對台灣影響〉
    Trump economics. The impact of American trade on Taiwan

  • 研究編號:E-55318EU〈從聯合國永續發展目標(SDGs)看台灣未來十年〉

  • 研究編號:H-32158RD〈從三螺旋觀點探討大學機構與創新擴散之關聯─瑞典、新加坡與台灣技轉中心之比較〉

  • 研究編號:D-19057FS〈創新創業之國─從以色列經濟奇蹟看台灣〉
    The country of innovation and entrepreneurship -- Israel's economic miracle

  • 研究編號:J-21238HS〈美國總統布希、柯林頓、歐巴馬與川普之美中兩岸政策對台之影響〉
    〈The effect of the U.S. president Buch, Clinton and Obama’s cross-strait policy to Taiwan〉

  • 研究編號:K-30804FD〈小泉與安倍政府之台日經貿合作關係比較〉
    〈Comparisons on the economic and trade collaboration and relationship between Japan and Taiwan under administration of Japanese prime ministers Koizumi and Abe〉

  • 研究編號:L-21238YD〈臺灣總體經濟受油電雙漲之影響程度分析〉
    〈Analysis on the impact of higher gas and electricity rates on Taiwan macroeconomics〉

  • 研究編號:F-32158SD〈高科技中小企業創新策略、成功關鍵與績效關聯之探討〉
    〈Investigation on hi-tech SME innovation strategies, keys to success and connections of performances〉

  • 研究編號:U-73058EI《愛無國界─台灣國際人道救援發展之策略》
    Research on the development of international humanitarian relief in Taiwan

  • 研究編號:S-18970HK〈勇往職前─台灣原住民就業困境之研究〉

  • 研究編號:Y-25684DY〈中、越、印三國新移民配偶對台灣認同價值之研究〉
    〈Investigation on the recognition values of new immigrants from China, Vietnam and Indonesia〉

  • 研究編號:D-34578UO《新二代不孤單─單親新住民子女之教育困境探討與對策》
    The discussion on the education of single-parent new residents families

  • 研究編號:K-45628SC〈Light up!親子教育可以不一樣〉
    〈Alternatives of educating children〉

  • 研究編號:J-26591SC〈從十二年國教政策執行反思台灣教育困境與對策〉
    〈Introspection on educational problems and solutions of Taiwan from practice of strategy to the twelve-year public education program〉

  • 研究編號:K-98502DL《人窮志不窮─經濟弱勢少年扮演雙重角色之社會發展面向》
    The research on the social development orientation of the dual role of economically disadvantaged youth

  • 研究編號:S-62597DF〈海峽兩岸經濟合作架構協議(ECFA)對台灣就業市場之衝擊〉
    〈The impact of Economic cooperation framework agreement (ECFA) to Taiwan employment〉

  • 研究編號:Y-18953EI〈後WTO時代台灣農業發展變遷與願景〉
    〈The changes and perspectives of Taiwan agricultures in pt-WTO era〉

  • 研究編號:G-24654BC《農業產銷班現況與發展策略》
    Agricultural Production And Marketing Group in Taiwan

  • 研究編號:U-23789KF〈台灣貧富差距現象成因與對策〉
    〈The reasons of disparity between the poor and the rich and related policies〉

  • 研究編號:P-75862UP〈A Study of the Relationship among R&D investment, Patent innovation and Enterprise Value: An Empirical Research of Smart Grid Industry in Taiwan〉

  • 研究編號:E-85015EK〈The Critical Quality Attributes of the New Product Development Model〉

  • 研究編號:J-50267MO〈A Review of Customer Power, Strategic Investment, and the Failure of Leading Firms.〉

  • 研究編號:D-45982SD〈A Review of Organizing for innovation: When is virtual virtuous? 〉




〈Comparisons of the factors influencing President’s Approval Rating among Major Events〉

People are the basis of a country. The presidential approval rating reflects people’s perception toward the president’s performance. Research on presidential approval rating is a relatively new topic in Taiwan, therefore leads to inadequate research on major events. The target of this research is to investigate comparisons of the factors influence president’s approval rating among major events, including domestic, diplomatic, judicial and cross-straits relationship.
By adopting empirical study and secondary research methodology, the purpose of this study is to analyze factors related to presidential approval ratings, trust and confidence in the future, according to poll results published by Television Broadcasts Satellite (TVBS) network between 2008 and 2015.
The independent variable is demographic variable, as well as the dependent variables is in satisfaction, trust and confidence in the future. The scope of this research includes the United States beef imported to Taiwan (domestic event), the project benevolence and friendship (diplomatic event), ex-Cabinet official indicated for corruption (judicial event), and cross-strait agreement on trade in services (cross-straits relationship event).
Through the method of multiple regressions, the study finds that the socio-demographic variables of party identification and education level have significant influence on presidential approval ratings in four major events. People with higher education are more dissatisfied with the president. The Pan-Blue Coalition believes in president much firmly than other coalition. The study finding may serve as a guide for further research on execution and research on approval rating.



國家創新系統反映國家科學和技術整合狀況,提供總體面的產業現況分析。本研究將以 OECD 所提出之國家創新系統構面為基礎,加入其他學者提出之國家創新系統之模型,強調要素之間的互動情況,歸納出三個構面探討美、中、日AI產業之創新環境。第一、創新活動主體,包括政府與創新政策、民間企業、資金、科技創業發展之扶持和人才培育;第二、創新活動主體間的連繫與互動,包括技術研發之整合、技術擴散和正式與非正式之互動;第三、產業需求,研析未來技術和市場的發展。利用文獻分析法和專家意見法針對台灣未來AI產業之國家創新系統提出建言。 

According to the Global Report on Artificial Intelligence Development (2017), the global AI funding for 2016 is $ 9.22 billion. From 2000 to 2016, the United States remains the most powerful country in the global AI industry with a scale of 20.7 billion U.S. dollars, 7.5 times that of China (2.76 billion U.S. dollars). However, the number of patent applications in China has surpassed that of the United States. From 2005 to 2014, the number of applications for global artificial intelligence patents ranked the top 3 in the United States, China and Japan, accounting for 73.85% of the total number of applications worldwide. During the period, the number of patent applications in China increased 2.9 times, much higher than the United States 1.26 times.
The national innovation system reflects the state's integration of science and technology and provides an overall analysis of the industrial status. This study will incorporate the model of a national innovation system put forward by scholars based on the national innovation system aspect proposed by the OECD. Emphasize the interaction between the elements, and conclude three aspects to explore the innovation environment of the AI industry in the United States, China and Japan. First, the main body of innovation activities, including government and innovation policies, private enterprises, funding, science and technology entrepreneurship development support and personnel training. Second, the connection and interaction among the main bodies of innovation activities include the integration of technology research and development, technology diffusion and the interaction between formal and informal. Third, industry demand, research future technology and market development. Using literature analysis and expert opinion to make suggestions for the national innovation system of Taiwan's future AI industry.


〈Comparisons of the factors influencing President’s Approval Rating among Major Events〉

「一帶一路」是自世界二次大戰,美國主導歐洲的「馬歇爾計畫」之後,規模最大的經濟外交項目,計畫沿線覆蓋區域涵蓋東盟12國、南亞8國、西亞18國、中亞5國、獨聯體7國和中東歐16國,總共66個國家和地區,總共佔65%的人口、3/4的能源、40%的GDP,幅員廣闊,是全球史上由單一國家發起的最大規模的海外投資行動,投資將達 9千億美元(約 27 兆台幣)。

The global economy strategic layout - "The Belt and Road in Taiwan position Since the Marshall plan, "The Belt and Road is the world's largest foreign economic plan, along the coverage area covers the 12 ASEAN countries, South Asia, West Asia countries 18 countries, CIS 7 countries and 16 countries of Eastern Europe, a total of 66 countries and regions. A total of 65% of the population, 3/4 energy, 40% of GDP, and $900 billion investment.
In the face of the global market demand weakened, Taiwan export slump, in "The Belt and Road" to develop export-oriented economy, will affect the economic and trade relations between East Asia and cross-strait division of labor, and the impact of foreign development of enterprises in Taiwan. What is the opportunity for Taiwan to see ASEAN take off and return to the heart of the world? Thinking how to set the Taiwan development strategy, effectively link the idea of ASEAN, promote infrastructure and interconnection, and achieve common prosperity.


研究編號:Y-64267SC〈川普經濟學─美國貿易新政對台灣影響〉Trump economics. The impact of American trade on Taiwan


The global economy is the biggest trade war battlefield, according to the Ministry of economic statistics, 2016 Taiwan exports to the U.S. $33 billion 523 million, the overall proportion of exports accounted for 11.96%; imports from the United States over the same period of $28 billion 597 million, accounted for the overall proportion of imported 12.4% U.S. import and export are third important market in Taiwan. The United States is the world's largest import country, with Trump two policy, through the expansion of infrastructure spending, and lowered the corporate tax rate negotiation policy, in an attempt to push the economy into another peak.
The global economy is experiencing a second wave of globalization. Because of the upgrading of Internet technology and the reduction of communication costs, the process of manufacturing industry can be split, so that cooperation between regions can be achieved in a common profit mode. On the basis of the TIFA, how can Taiwan move its territory in order to reduce the impact of tariffs and strengthen multilateral trade agreements?. Strengthen Taiwan US relations, reshape thinking, from the original manufacturing investment thinking to innovation driven thinking. Integrate hardware, software and services to integrate output and develop global markets.



2000年聯合國高峰會通過「千禧年發展目標」(Millennium Development Goals, MDGs ),期盼在15年內實現八大目標;消滅貧窮饑餓、普及基礎教育、促進兩性平等、降低兒童死亡率、提升產婦的保健、對抗病毒、確保環境永續、全球夥伴關係。進而於2015 年 9 月,世界各國在聯合國會議上通過了 2030 年永續發展議程,該議程涵蓋 17 個永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals ,SDGs),整合社會、經濟、環境三大框架提出新的五大元素,並強調目標整合的相互關係,希望致力於消除貧窮同時,需實施促進經濟增長、滿足教育、衛生、社會保護和就業機會等社會需求,並對應氣候行動和環境保護的面向。面對世界潮流趨勢,台灣不能置身事外,共同採取行動,促進繁榮並保護地球

On 1 January 2016, the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development — adopted by world leaders in September 2015 at an historic UN Summit — officially came into force. Over the next fifteen years, with these new Goals that universally apply to all, countries will mobilize efforts to end all forms of poverty, fight inequalities and tackle climate change, while ensuring that no one is left behind.The SDGs, also known as Global Goals, build on the success of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) and aim to go further to end all forms of poverty. The new Goals are unique in that they call for action by all countries, poor, rich and middle-income to promote prosperity while protecting the planet. They recognize that ending poverty must go hand-in-hand with strategies that build economic growth and addresses a range of social needs including education, health, social protection, and job opportunities, while tackling climate change and environmental protection.
While the SDGs are not legally binding, governments are expected to take ownership and establish national frameworks for the achievement of the 17 Goals. Countries have the primary responsibility for follow-up and review of the progress made in implementing the Goals, which will require quality, accessible and timely data collection. Regional follow-up and review will be based on national-level analyses and contribute to follow-up and review at the global level.



Etzkowitz(1997) 提出三螺旋模型(triple helix model),用以解釋大學、產業和政府三者間在知識經濟時代的新關係。世界各國積極將大學研發能量轉化為產業及國家競爭力,透過合作研究、人員交流、專利共享、設備購買等形式管道之互動,使產官學間發展出密切的合作關係,技術移轉的成敗影響產業升級與經濟的發展,如何有效將大學機構研究創新擴散到產業界及國家發展中,成為一大重要課題。

Etzkowitz (1997) proposes the triple helix model to explain the new relationship between universities, industry and government in the era of knowledge economy. All countries in the world have actively transformed the university's research and development energy into industry and national competitiveness. Through the interaction of cooperative research, personnel exchange, patent sharing, and equipment purchase, various forms of cooperation have been developed between the academia and government. The success or failure of technology transfer affects industrial upgrading and economic development. How to effectively diffuse research and innovation in university institutions into industries and national development has become a major issue.
In this study, we will use the income from the transfer of university research results as a performance indicator to explore the impact of government decrees, guidance or incentives on the diffusion of university outcomes. Then analyze the case of university technology transfer center to understand and compare the dispatch system among experts in different countries, the operation mode of regional technology transfer center, and the differences of training system for technical transfer personnel.
Through inductive literature analysis of the diffusion benefits of Swedish and Singapore research results in universities, we visited Taiwan Technology Promotion Center supervisors through questionnaires to understand the operational achievements and further study of "research manpower", "research funding" and " Relationship "," government measures "and other constructive inquiry into the relationship between" research output "and" diffusion benefits "arising from the promotion of results. 


研究編號:D-19057FS〈創新創業之國─從以色列經濟奇蹟看台灣〉The country of innovation and entrepreneurship -- Israel's economic miracle 

以色列人口840萬,面積只有台灣三分之二大,缺乏天然資源、四周強敵環繞, 以科技立國,在美國那斯達克(Nasdaq) 有超過50家公開上市的公司,總市值超過百億美元,〈The Global Innovation Index〉報告指出,以色列在研究發展、研發支出、創業聯結等指標中皆獲全球第一,以色列能,台灣如何借鏡?

Israel has a population of 8 million 400 thousand people, and the land area is Taiwan's 2/3 countries, the lack of natural resources, and surrounded by the enemy. The country has established itself in science and technology, with more than 50 publicly listed companies in Nasdaq, with a total market capitalization of more than $10 billion.
"The Global Innovation Index" report pointed out that Israel in the research, development, R & D spending, entrepreneurship and other indicators are among the world's first.
This paper explores how Israel can encourage innovation through tax reform programmes, angel investment laws, exemptions and other laws. What are the funding conditions for industrial research and development centers to promote technology research and development, to build a platform for industrial university cooperation, and how to attract a large number of overseas venture capital funds?. We analyze legislation, technology, market funding and talent development, and then consider the next step in Taiwan.



〈The effect of the U.S. president Buch, Clinton and Obama’s cross-strait policy to Taiwan〉

To investigate policy change during former and present president of the U.S., as president Bush adopted the double track policy to maintain the balance between China and Taiwan, and president Clinton adopted idealism policy and had no limitation on interaction with both sides, while president Obama adopts global strategy, to compare and analyze the roles of America in balancing cross-strait.


研究編號:K-30804FD〈小泉與安倍政府之台日經貿合作關係比較〉〈Comparisons on the economic and trade collaboration and relationship between Japan and Taiwan under administration of Japanese prime ministers Koizumi and Abe〉 


The prime ministers of Japan: Koizumi Junichiro and Abe Shinzo, who are in the same faction in LDP and share the same Far Right values, to compare and investigate their policy differences to Taiwan, therefore establish mutual trust system and the decision procedure in major events.


研究編號:L-21238YD〈臺灣總體經濟受油電雙漲之影響程度分析〉〈Analysis on the impact of higher gas and electricity rates on Taiwan macroeconomics〉


Higher gas and electricity rates lead to inflation rate increase, Taiwan is roiling with discontent. The study started from 1st season of 2008 until 4th season of 2014, analysis and examination with modelling of international fuel price, currency interest, CIP and unemployment rate, to figure out relative policies in industies with highly dependence on fuel, therefore create new possibilities and chances.


〈Investigation on hi-tech SME innovation strategies, keys to success and connections of performances〉


In the trend of globalization, while facing changes in cost competition, regional economy and trade integration, the environment becomes tougher for SMEs. To investigate on domestic and international industrial innovation, and to evaluate on the performance and innovation development tendency, therefore build up the key elements to success, and to provide innovative strategies and policy references in future.


研究編號:U-73058EI《愛無國界─台灣國際人道救援發展之策略》Research on the development of international humanitarian relief in Taiwan


"Humanitarian Relief" refers to the assistance given to victims in the event of a humanitarian crisis, disaster or social disorder. In recent decades, the Taiwan government has actively carried out many foreign aid work in order to expand its foreign relations. However, no matter what kind of "foreign aid", it is necessary to use the tax paid by the people as a budget.
By studying and understanding the development and practice of the Taiwan government in international aid in recent years, this paper explores the benefits of government foreign aid work strategies and international links, including the transformation and impact of current and future international trends, as well as the dilemmas and challenges faced. The research strategy and future efforts provide relevant suggestions. Looking forward to the government's innovation and breakthrough in the practice of foreign aid work, it also calls on the public to understand and attach importance to the necessity of Taiwan and international cooperation, and become Taiwan's diplomatic strong backing. Even if Taiwan faces many challenges, it can continue to move toward a more open international space and continue to contribute to the security and peace of the world. 




In the past two decades, Taiwan’s aborigines have improved their employment and education conditions, but there is still a gap between them and the overall Taiwan society. Because the aborigines are mostly engaged in labor-intensive work such as manufacturing and construction engineering, they are vulnerable to economic environment and policies. Indigenous people with low education levels are also limited in their career choices due to academic qualifications, skills and communication restrictions, although in recent years the government has promoted a number of employment programs and development plans, such as: "Aboriginal work rights protection" The "proportional use" principle of the Law comes to meet the employment needs of the aborigines. However, in the long-term viewing, I am afraid that it will not help the accumulation of skills and will not help them really get rid of the vicious circle of unemployment again.
Therefore, this study firstly understands the problems encountered by the aborigines in employment and unemployment by understanding the patterns and characteristics of the aboriginal work, and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of the government-driven employment counseling program and proposes relevant improvements. Implementing the improvement of employment quality and skills training will enable the aborigines to have the effect and guarantee of sustainable development in the future industrial structure, rather than repeatedly falling into a vicious circle due to short-term emergency policies.


研究編號:Y-25684DY〈中、越、印三國新移民配偶對台灣認同價值之研究〉〈Investigation on the recognition values of new immigrants from China, Vietnam and India〉


Apply the methods of qualitative research and in-depth interviews, to discuss families of new immigrants, and the process of marriage adjustment and recognition in different culture, how they face the difficulties of communication, unfamiliar environment and weak linkage of social network, therefore come up with strategy suggestion to improve the situation, and to offer advice in the future policy on new immigrants.


研究編號:D-34578UO《新二代不孤單─單親新住民子女之教育困境探討與對策》The discussion on the education of single-parent new residents families


According to the statistics of the Ministry of Education in 2017, the number of national middle school and primary school students has decreased from 2.7 million in 2007 to 1.79 million in 2017, but the number of students of new residents is increased from 100,000 to 180,000.
However, according to the statistics of the Ministry of the Interior, the divorce rate of Chinese and foreign marriage partners has been more than three times more than the nationality in recent years. According to statistics, most of the parents of single-parent new residents are unstable and it is difficult to provide a good educational environment for their children. This paper explores the characteristics of single-parent new-inhabitants, understands their children's educational environment and learning process, analyzes the weaknesses derived from them, and proposes relevant suggestions. At the same time, it is also expected that the society can give inclusive and respectful perspectives, accept and pay close attention to the problems faced by single-parent new-resident families and adapt to life, and provide appropriate assistance, support and care between the government and social welfare so that the children of single-parent new residents can With sufficient educational resources and learning environment, we can find self-worth and develop our talents in Taiwan's multiculturalism.

研究編號:K-45628SC〈Light up!親子教育可以不一樣〉〈Alternatives of educating children〉


Family education is the first step in the process of socialization, in this changing rapidly generation, educating children becomes a tough issue, monograph in 30 thousand words to discuss in children education, to education by precept, parents’ own experiences and situation stimulation, assisting children develop their personality properly, and to achieve actual effects.


〈Introspection on educational problems and solutions of Taiwan from practice of strategy to the twelve-year public education program〉


Since the strategy to the twelve-year public education program had been executed hastily, it revealed long term problems and contradiction in education, monograph in more than 10 thousand words to discuss in how students, parents and teachers deal with this phenomena, and to offer the government the references in assigning resources reasonably, and adjust curriculum to enable students to study for the purpose of application, and methodology to stimulate multiple values and concepts creation.


研究編號:S-62597DF〈海峽兩岸經濟合作架構協議(ECFA)對台灣就業市場之衝擊〉〈The impact of Economic cooperation framework agreement (ECFA) to Taiwan employment〉

「2010年6月起簽訂《海峽兩岸經濟合作架構協議》(Cross-Straits Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement,簡稱ECFA),展開後續貨品貿易、服務貿易、投資保障及爭端解決協議協商。以降低雙方關稅,以達到區域自由貿易,台灣勞工勢必面臨新一波的產業轉型。本文重新檢視台灣的產業政策,探討ECFA對國內就業的衝擊,以及如何採取配套政策因應,提出更周全的對應方案。

ECFA (Cross-Straits Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement)was signed in Jun. 2010, the trades and services cooperation therefore began, aimed to reduce tariffs of cross-strait and to achieve regional free trade; to discuss on the impact of employment and the supporting policies therefore strengthen the effects of the strategy.


研究編號:Y-18953EI〈後WTO時代台灣農業發展變遷與願景〉〈The changes and perspectives of Taiwan agricultures in pt-WTO era〉

2002年台灣成為世界貿易組織會員國,對農業造成巨大衝擊,探討 十多年來的發展過程中,農業所面臨進口產品競爭、對外經貿開放等挑戰,檢討不合時宜的農業政策,從短中長期調整生產結構,強化農業創新,從「六級產業化」創造優勢,活化 台灣農業。

Taiwan joined WTO in 2002, to discuss the competition to imported products and challenges of open to foreign trade over the decade, to review the inappropriate policies that do not meet the development of current events and society change, therefore to adjust the production structure from short/middle terms, and to strengthen agricultural innovation.


Agricultural Production And Marketing Group in Taiwan


Since 1970, Taiwan has organized joint business classes based on core farmers. In order to make agricultural resources better and better, in October 1992, the "Implementation Points for the Integration of Agricultural Production and Marketing Organizations" was promulgated, and various agricultural promotion and production and marketing organizations at that time were integrated. Subsequently, in order to solve the problems arising from Taiwan's accession to the World Trade Organization, in 2001, the "Agricultural Production and Marketing Organization Counseling Measures" was established to strengthen the guidance of agricultural production and marketing classes and expand their business scale, while helping to improve the efficiency of agricultural operations.


研究編號:U-23789KF〈台灣貧富差距現象成因與對策〉〈The reasons of disparity between the poor and the rich and related policies〉


The disparity between the poor and the rich is rapidly expanding; the statistical number was 65 times differences 2008, until 2011 it became 96 times differences, the improper policies accelerate the deterioration of income assignment, therefore to observe the reasons behind the formation of disparity between the poor and the rich in five stages, and to offer relative suggestions on education, tax and welfare system changes.


研究編號:D-45982SD〈A Review of Organizing for innovation: When is virtual virtuous? 〉
研究編號:E-85015EK〈The Critical Quality Attributes of the New Product Development Model〉

In the global market, enterprises are facing fierce competition, rapid changes in technology, as well as shorten the life cycle of the product, as the result, the new product development (NPD) has become an important issue for enterprises.
In the development of new products, enterprises should consider various factors, including technology, competitors, customers, costs, resources and other factors. (Thomas,1993) Each company is committed to the development of successful products, but there are still many examples of failures. No one deliberately designed a bad product, most of the designers believe that they do their best to design the ideal product which should be welcomed by the market, but ultimately failed. Many designers think that one of the reasons for the failure is that
the final product has a huge gap with the original ideal design.
From the ideal design to the products, there are many procedures, there are numerous reasons will lead to the gap. There are some processes that help to reduce the gap between design and finished products, but others are the opposite. In this paper, we will try to construct a design to the product model, find out the factors between the process, and study the influence of the factors on the design to the product is positive, negative or neutral. This paper has the following objectives:

 -- Construct the new product development model and find out the influencing factors.
 -- Analysis of the influencing factors in phase stage are positive factors,
negative factors (gaps) or neutral factors.
 -- After analyzing the attributes of influencing factors, we can consider how to increase the positive factors and reduce the negative factors, in order to increase the success probability of the products. 


研究編號:J-50267MO〈A Review of Customer Power, Strategic Investment, and the Failure of Leading Firms.〉
研究編號:P-75862UP〈A Study of the Relationship among R&D investment, Patent innovation and Enterprise Value: An Empirical Research of Smart Grid Industry in Taiwan〉

National Applied Research Laboratories (NAR Labs) in 2015 released “Analysis of Taiwan's Competitiveness in Science and Technology”. The results indicate that in recent years, Taiwan's top three areas in patents with most investment and influential, including the technical impact indicators are electrical machinery, apparatus energy (6,480 cases), semiconductors (6,300 cases) and machine tools (709 cases).
The fields of electrical machinery and apparatus energy is the highest number of patents and the relative influence. The electrical machinery and apparatus energy include many industries, but according to the Chi research, the hot spot patent method, which was tools to predict the next generation of technology. It was found that in the 2008 and 2009’s hot patents worldwide, the third highest field is UPC324754 "Electricity: Measurement and test / probe".
The total number of patents and influence of the patent field: UPC324754 are both increasing while compare the period of 2005-2009 with 2000-2004 by the RTA index in Taiwan. Measuring, testing and probing electricity is one of the important components of the smart grid. Therefore, the smart grid is an important trend in the world, and there are lots of patents in Taiwan.
The definition of "smart grid" by IEEE refers to the use of digital technology to upgrade the transmission and distribution network, in order to achieve the most optimal operation, and increase the energy market flexibility, then induce a number of the new markets which related to the smart grid.
Smart Grid deployment is imperative, not only in the United States but also around the globe. However, the smart grid is a revolutionary cause of the new communications and control capabilities, energy, generation model and adhere to cross jurisdiction regulatory structure. There are six categories be classified in Taiwan Smart Grid Industry: AMI Infrastructure System, Distribution Feeder Automation System, Smart Home and Building System, Micro Grid System, Smart Transmission System and Energy Storage System.
In globalization and increasing hyper competition, companies requiring disruptive innovation and jumping to a new S-curve even more critical in nearly every industry. Matthyssens et al. (2006) stresses the importance of value innovation to create and sustain competitive advantage and to rejuvenate the organization.
In this paper, we will discuss the relationship among the R&D investments in the enterprise, patent innovation, and enterprise value in the rapidly changing environment of the smart energy industry, the relationship, whereby research to help companies understand the value of the patent lies. This paper has the following objectives:
    -- The influence of enterprise R & D investment on Patent Innovation.
    -- The influence of patent innovation on enterprise value.
    -- The impact of R&D investment on enterprise value through patent
In the past studies, they were more concerning in the relation between patent and company performance, more emphasis in the patent numbers and accounting of enterprise performance of the semiconductor industry. This study is focus on the smart grid industry and has joined with the discussion of patent quality, and is different from the enterprise value.

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